Personal Color Analysis
No more buying the wrong foundation shade, not getting your hair color right and spending money on colorful clothes you can't wear! Through the Personal Color Analysis we will find out which colors best harmonize with your natural characteristics in clothes, accessories, makeup and hair color.
During the service I will show you the theory and dynamics of the test because, more important than simply exposing you the results, is that you understand the process and how to use this information in practice.
In person:
The face-to-face dynamic takes place at your home or at my Studio in Rhodes and lasts an average of 1:30h. In addition to the analysis itself, I'll explain the theory of the test and do some color recognition exercises. We'll evaluate your makeup and some pieces of clothing and accessories so I can show you how to use your card in practice.
Online service can be done from anywhere in the world. It is carried out through photos, which must be taken according to specific guidelines to guarantee the ideal conditions for capturing images. We'll evaluate your makeup and some pieces of clothing and accessories so I can show you how to use your card in practice.
Face-to-face sessions can be done in pairs or groups too, which is super fun! Gather a group of friends and spend a very fun and colorful day with them!
(In this case, the service time is approximately 30 minutes longer per person).
You will receive:
Physical color chart*
Customized Personal Coloring Guide
* Check availability in your country.
INVESTMENT: from AUD$268.00